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产品名称:无 铅 锡 条
 [ 产品详细介绍 ]:

 ZhongGang的无铅焊锡产品,均采用高纯度的锡银铜等原材料。所有的入厂原料都严格受控,有效杜绝了受欧盟ROHS指令设限的铅镉汞等有害金属元素产品的污染。同时,在上述有害元素的受控方面,ZhongGang严格按照LF-A(pb<100ppm cd<5ppm)和LF-B(pb<400ppm cd<10ppm)的指标加以控制。客户对铅镉汞等元素如有更高控制要求,公司可按客户的要求生产。

ZhongGang lead-free solder bars and balls come from the refined Tin,Silver,Copper.Allthe raw materials must pass the strict evaluation before saucing.In this way,the toxic elements such as Lead,Cd and Hg can be effectively prohibited,banned by EU ROHS directives.Meanwhile,we strictly controlled the above toxic materials according to LF-A"(Pb<100ppm;Cd<5ppm<and LEF-B(Pb<400ppm;Cd<10ppm)directives.And also,we can lower the toxic materials percentage in the solder,if our customers have higher demand.
   Compared with the traditional Sn-Pb solder,lead-free solder has less better wetting,easily oxidized,and results in the tin tassels.Inorder to overcome the weakness,we have made a deep and long-term research and in the teehnology,we use deoxidizing and de-dross process and add special anti-oxidation elements.In this way,the weakness is basically resolved,which reduces the tin-dross and promote the solder ability.
     高 温 无 铅 锡 条
    Even under high temperature as 450℃,the liquid solder can keep a silvery white mirror-like surface.The amount of solder dross is only 1/7of that in the case of common solder bar.This product is suitable for wave soldering and hot dip tinning/soldering,especially for coil tinning in the manufacture process of transformer.Due to the feature of low solder dross,defect in the solder joints and maintenance of solder bath can be reduced and thus producing cost can be saved.We provide several alloy compositions for your choice.
     低 温 无 铅 锡 条
    The liquidus temperature is lower than does not have the lead soldering tin melting point(227℃)is called as the low temperature not to have the lead bar tin,the low temperature does not have the lead bar tin is in the tin joins the bismith,the silver,the indium,and so on the ingredient but forms,uses in the micro electron temperature sensor and so on assembly the bad heat-resising components.

上海琦茂机电设备有限公司 地址:上海市北京东路668号科技京城C103室   
电话:021-53082105 53560017 53560027  传真:021-53081873  沪ICP备06012219号-2